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Repair Broken WordPress Login


Regain access to your WordPress website when it stops allowing you to login. If you are sure you have entered the correct user name and password however every time you try to login, the website returns you back to the login page, this is the service for you.

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After being certain you have used the correct username and password, you find that you are no longer able to login to the back-end of your WordPress account. Every time you enter the information and click “log in” the website simply returns you back to the WordPress login page.

Although the login page is no longer working, you find the website itself is working fine with all pages available for visitors to view.


For the price listed, one of our developers will diagnose the cause of your website’s login problems and make the necessary repairs. In the event we are unable to determine the cause of your problem, a 100% refund will be given.

Service Provided: Recovery of WordPress login when it stops allowing you past the login page.
Service Delivery Time: We will diagnose and repair your WordPress login issue within 2-business days from the time of payment. After payment we will contact you within 1-business day to gather the required information and passwords to start the repair process.
We Will Require: User name and password for WordPress. User name and password for your hosting Cpanel.

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From search engine optimization, website design, social media management to article submission, back-links, and brand building. We have the experience to help you generate leads and find the cases that matter most to you.

Website Design – Search Engine Optimization – Social Media Setup – Social Media Management – Website Security Management – Website Backup – Website Updates – Link Exchange Management – Website Publishing – Logo design – Content Management & Update – Images Rework – Ad Design – Website Hosting – Email Setup – Domain Name Registration – Content Creation – Sales/Client Generator – PPC Campaigns – Google Local Business Search/Map Setup – Business Card Design – Website Live Chat – Newsletter Setup – Video Production – Bing Business Management – Article Submission – Profile Optimization